Showing posts with label Evernight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evernight. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

Black Heart by @KarynGerrard No Longer Available #RightsReversal #Paranormal

I have just received the rights reversal letter for Black Heart (Book #3 Blackthorne Clan Series) which means it will be coming down from vendors within the next 2 weeks.

Now there is only book 4, Black Scar, to come back to me (this May) and I will have this series back in my hands. I also will be asking for the rights to A Riding Crop for Two (March) and that will be it for my Evernight Publishing releases.

I want to take a moment to thank Evernight, for giving a raw, untrained author a chance when they offered my first contract for Timeless Heart in March of 2011. The manuscript was a hot mess as far as grammar and structure was concerned, but they liked the story. I don't write full-blown erotic romance anymore, so I am not sure what I will be doing with all these manuscripts that have been returned to me the past two years.

I will probably revise The Riding Crop and A Riding Crop for Two, with new titles, a little less heat and more plot. Something else to add to my long to-do list!

As far as this paranormal series, I have a second pen name that is dormant, I may self-pub under that name. At some point. Who knows? Lots of options, and so little time.

Meanwhile, I am in no rush. slowly working on my own schedule.

2018 is kind of up in the air at the moment, not sure what it will bring and what I will be working on.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

NO LONGER AVAILABLE: Black Desire and The Riding Crop @KarynGerrard #RightsReversal #BackList

My backlist shrinks further! Having met the terms of the contracts, two books from Evernight Publishing have been returned to me. The free read (Only available at certain vendors, not Amazon) The Riding Crop, and Book 2 of my 4 book paranormal series, Black Desire.

So what is the plan? First off, these are erotic, and in the case of The Riding Crop, BDSM and more, and I just do not write this heat level any longer. I wrote a sequel to The Riding Crop, A Riding Crop for Two, and I will be able to get the rights back next year. When I do, it is on my long to-do list and I will someday revise, combine the two, and probably self-publish it.

As for Black Desire? I lost all interest in paranormal, even in my reading. I still half-heartedly follow Gena Showalter's main series Lords of the Underworld, and on the fence about continuing Kresley Cole's Immortals series, so this book is yet another being shoved on the back burner. I stopped reading JR Ward a few releases ago. It appears in my case when I lose interest in reading a certain genre or heat level, it carries over to my writing as well.

I cannot request book 3 and 4 until next year. Book 5 is written. Half of book six is written. Then...poof. Lost interest. It happens. Again, yet another project hanging in the wind. Do I finish and self pub under my second pen name? (currently not being used) Do I allow my agent to shop it around? Do I want to add yet another genre to this pen name? Decisions, Decisions.

The good thing about being hybrid is I have options and am in no hurry to explore them right now. So on the burner they go with a growing pile of other stories

Meanwhile, I will soldier on fulfilling my contracts, working away at The Copper and Madam for re-release.


Karyn Gerrard, born and raised in the Maritime Provinces of Eastern Canada, now makes her home in a small town in Northwestern Ontario. When she’s not cheering on the Red Sox or travelling in the summer with her teacher husband, she writes, reads romance, and drinks copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. 

 Even at a young age Karyn’s storytelling skills were apparent, thrilling her fellow Girl Guides with off-the-cuff horror stories around the campfire. A multi-published author, she loves to write sensual historicals, particularly in the Victorian era. She also writes contemporaries. Tortured heroes are an absolute must. 

 As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden. Karyn’s been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement and loving support keeps her moving forward.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Black Lust No Longer Available: by Karyn Gerrard @KarynGerrard #Paranormal #RightsReversal


Lucius Black lives a debauched and wild nightlife. Being a ‘Quarter’ (1/4 vampire), blood and sex are what he is. However, his existence wears thin after a century of hedonistic pleasure.
Trevina Patterson lives a quiet, happy life running a hair salon in a village on the east coast of the United Kingdom. It was a perfect life and all she could ask for, until a chance encounter with Lucius Black.

What was it about him that was so unsettling and yet so attractive?

For Lucius, no woman had ever been enough, until Trevina. She awakened in him feelings he had not thought possible. Passions considered by him to be little more than vampiric mythology. She awakened lust.
This was originally released Nov 2011 with Evernight Publishing. I now have the rights back, and at the time of this writing, it should be down at most e-retailers.
It was my second book ever published and it spawned three others in the series. Then I kind of lost interest in paranormals, reading and writing them. I decided to take my writing in another direction. 
With regards to this series, I have one manuscript finished on my computer (book 5 of this series) and half of book six written.
To say this needs a major overhaul is an understatement. My writing has changed 2011. As I slowly get back the rights to the other three books, hopefully next year, this series will be re-done with new titles and will eventually be re-released under my second pen name. 
Until then, books 2-4 are still available, and you don't really need to read Black Lust to jump in. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

COVER REVEAL: That Christmas Feeling by Karyn Gerrard @KarynGerrard #HolidayRomance #ComingSoon

Got the rights back to 'That Christmas Feeling' from Evernight Publishing. It will be completely redone, no longer an erotic romance, and while it will still be a short story/short novella, it will be a lot longer than 8600 words it presently is. (Already at 18,000+!) Contemporary romance. Heat level: Sensual

The cover is by Marianne of  Website is HERE:

Working on revisions now. Hope to release later in the fall through my own KG Publishing.

Here is the very unofficial blurb:

Though Connall Doyle achieved many of his professional goals, model, sometime actor, along with a modicum of financial security, his life of late has been empty. Christmas this year does not hold any appeal, but when offered the chance to go on trip to a wilderness camp, Connall jumps at the chance to escape the city and tragic holiday memories.

A spur-of-the-moment holiday excursion brings the devastatingly handsome Connall to Kerri Kelleher’s doorstep during Christmas week. But it is not only his good looks that draw her, but the sadness she sees in his eyes.

Surrounded by all the holiday trappings and a searing, hot attraction Connall cannot deny, he begins to wonder: Will that Christmas feeling be enough to heal a painful past and allow love to enter his heart?

COMING SOON! Later this fall! Watch for it!

Karyn Gerrard, born and raised in the Maritime Provinces of Eastern Canada, now makes her home in a small town in Northwestern Ontario. When she’s not cheering on the Red Sox or travelling in the summer with her teacher husband, she writes, reads romance, and drinks copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. 

 Even at a young age Karyn’s storytelling skills were apparent, thrilling her fellow Girl Guides with off-the-cuff horror stories around the campfire. A multi-published author, she loves to write sensual historicals, particularly in the Victorian era. She also writes contemporaries. Tortured heroes are an absolute must. 

 As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden. Karyn’s been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement and loving support keeps her moving forward.

Monday, January 12, 2015

No Longer Available: Timeless Heart and Timeless Love @KarynGerrard #timetravel

Timeless Heart was my very first release in May 2011, and I have all kinds of respect for Evernight Publishing for accepting such a hot mess of a manuscript because they really liked the story itself. I never, ever expected my first manuscript to be accepted. But it was, and it sold well, and was a bestseller at Amazon and All Romance and Bookstrand. The sequel never did as well, (not even close) but hey, that's the way of the publishing world.

Regardless, the rights to both these books are being returned to me, so they will no longer be listed anywhere. In just checking, they are already down at Amazon and All Romance.

What are my plans for these books? I don't have any at the moment. I suppose one or both of these stories will see the light of day again at some point. I will be rewriting and re-editing to be sure. And will self-pub when I do get around to it.

In the meantime, my thanks to Evernight. My dealings with them have always been professional. Continued success to them.

I will be entitled to TWO more rights reversions later this year (according to contract) with another e-pub, Will let you know when the time grows closer. My goal? To ultimately get back the rights to everything. lol~ Well, most of it at least.

Seems the fact I am starting to self-pub will come in handy for these re-releases!



Thursday, December 11, 2014

MERRY XMAS SALE! #99Cents That Christmas Feeling by @KarynGerrard #Erotic #Holiday


short story/holiday/contemporary/erotic
Evernight Publishing release December 13 2012
NOTE: this is a re-release/reissue of Christmas Memories (briefly pubbed in 2011)

This short story makes me all warm and fuzzy inside as I harken back to a lot of my own Christmas memories. It is short, but well worth the 99 cents! Hope you check it out On sale at Amazon and All Romance the month of December.


Jimmy Doyle is at the top of his game, but his life is empty. Karin has resigned herself to a Christmas alone in her wilderness lodge. A spur-of-the-moment holiday trip brings the devastatingly handsome Jimmy to her doorstep on Christmas Eve. Memories of a past Christmas haunt him and he is surrounded by joy and holiday anticipation, and a searing hot attraction he can’t deny. Will that Christmas feeling be enough to heal a painful past?


Jimmy was already sorry he came. The two hour flight, the three hour drive—and for what? He was in the middle of nowhere. The trip seemed like a good idea looking out over the balcony of his downtown Toronto penthouse. Some quiet time, some poker, and maybe some turkey sandwiches with lots of Miracle Whip.

He should have stayed in Winnipeg and taken a suite at the Sheraton. He hadn’t brought his boots either. Idiot. He was standing with his feet ice-cold in the snow, much like the Grinch. He felt like the damned Grinch. He had the overwhelming desire to run around and pull down all the outdoor Christmas lights, wreaths, and other Christmas crap evident on the property. Jimmy remembered a homemade turkey dinner was included. Just  great,and he, the Grinch himself, would carve… he snorted aloud, not finishing the thought.

“Did you say something?”

He glanced down at the woman in the parka. Clear, beautiful blue eyes stared at him in amusement. Shit, she must have heard him. She took off her woolen mitten and held out a slim, feminine hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Karin Kellegher.”

He looked at the hand then back at this Karin. She was pretty, perhaps not a raving beauty, but attractive. She had dark blond hair, pulled back tightly in a pony-tail. The shade reminded him of caramel. Her skin appeared crème brûlée against the dazzling white of the snow. There was a smattering of freckles across her pert nose, which was red from the cold. Her breath puffed out in icy huffs. He took her offered hand. “Jimmy Doyle.”


Karin was shameless. She headed toward the most handsome man of the group and introduced herself. Jimmy Doyle looked familiar, but he did have the generic tall, dark, and handsome look. He looked like any number of the beyond-gorgeous men who graced magazine covers. His hair was black and wavy, not too short or too long. His jaw was rugged and framed by chiseled, high cheekbones. His dark blue eyes were a color that could not be natural, contacts she thought cynically. When they shook hands his large palm all but swallowed hers. A bolt of warmth shot up her arm from the contact. Wow. Karin glanced down. His hand was beautiful, but masculine, with long fingers and lots of veins. Why she found his hand attractive, she had no idea. She slowly scanned his broad chest and even broader shoulders. He was wearing a winter leather coat, but he still must be feeling the cold, as the temperature was ten degrees below zero.

Her gaze met his face again. Oh yes. Way, way handsome. Jimmy Doyle knew he was gorgeous too. She could see the amused glint in his eye. She pulled her hand out of his tight grasp at last and walked away. The loss of his potent touch was disturbing. Forget him, he was here for drinking and male bonding, nothing more. 


Karyn Gerrard Bio: 

Karyn lives in a small town in the western corner of Ontario, Canada. She whiles away her spare time writing and reading romance while drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. Tortured heroes are a must. A multi-published author with a few best-sellers under her belt,

Karyn loves to write in different genres and time periods, though historicals are her favorite. As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden.

 Karyn’s been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement keeps her moving forward.

                                 Karyn's Site/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest

Friday, November 21, 2014

Welcome to KG Publishing coming in 2015! #SelfPub #Hybrid @KarynGerrard #NewDirection

Its been building for a long time as I've become increasingly frustrated in my publishing life, so after much internal debate, I've decided that going forward, most or all short stories and novellas will be self-published under my own banner. (I'll get a better one, later)

I have a few completed manuscripts (historical novellas) so will pub them myself.  In light of this, I am no longer with Evernight Pub or Decadent Pub or Ellora's Cave. While I am grateful for the contracts, especially from Evernight, as they offered me my very first one, this is a decision I make for me.

But since I rarely write anything short anymore anyway, this self-pub thing will be secondary, and used mostly for books I get the rights back on. In 2015, I will be eligible to receive back a few books, and after re-writes and edits, I will re-release them at very reasonable prices.(50% of what the publisher charged)

Anything new (over 40,000 words) will go to the couple of publishers I still have ties to. (Crimson Romance and Kensington Publishing) and maybe I will find one other.

This is a complete 180 from where I was even eighteen months ago, and I'm not going to go into the myriad reasons behind it. Some are personal. I'm not a person who needs to have my hands on all the control switches, I was happy to hand that over to publishers. But things have changed so much in the publishing world at large and for me personally, I feel I should have control of the pricing, and to a lesser extent, the editing, just to name two reasons. Believe me, there are more.

If someone like me, who really had no interest or desire to self-publish and is now considering doing it in whatever capacity, it really should give publishers pause. There are many more like me who will go hybrid, or cut the ties and go full-indie. Publishers, things are changing.

I am taking my time. Also will not be setting any firm publications dates for any self-pubbed releases. It happens when it happens. I have no interest in self pubbing print books.

But look for The Baron and the Mistress in early 2015 sometime (historical, 28,000 words) Cover art already ordered!

So, going forward, I am a hybrid romance author. Cool.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

SALE 30% OFF My Evernight Titles at All Romance 'Till Oct 20 @KarynGerrard #TimeTravel #Paranormal

Evernight Publishing is 4 years old! Congrats to all! A big tip of the hat to Evernight for offering me my first contract in the spring of 2011 (Timeless Heart) and for taking a chance on a raw, untried writer. When I look at that submission now, I shudder, (Can you say hot mess?) but Evernight must have seen something in the story...and me. I always be grateful.

In celebration of their birthday, Evernight is offering 30% off all ebooks at the All Romance site!

Check out Evernight titles HERE

I have 8 releases with Evernight Publishing (and 2 freebies)  Check them out HERE  Or look them up by title:


Sandra Cranston, an elementary teacher on leave, discovers an abandoned carriage deep in the woods. Inside is a man, Jerrod Ross, who fuels all of her wicked Regency dreams and fantasies.
Ross has been torn from the only world he has ever known—1821 Cornwall, England.  How will he adjust to the future and his growing desire for the lovely lady who found him? More importantly, how will he ever return to his time?
Published with Evernight Publishers, May 2011

Ebook approx 24,000 words
Erotic Romance/Time Travel/Fantasy
Amazon and All Romance Bestseller


Nov 18 2011
 From Evernight Publishing
Ebook approx 28,000 words

Lucius Black lives a debauched and wild nightlife. Being a ‘Quarter’ (1/4 vampire), blood and sex are what he is. However, his existence wears thin after a century of hedonistic pleasure.
Trevina Patterson lives a quiet, happy life running a hair salon in a village on the east coast of the United Kingdom. It was a perfect life and all she could ask for, until a chance encounter with Lucius Black.

What was it about him that was so unsettling and yet so attractive?

For Lucius, no woman had ever been enough, until Trevina. She awakened in him feelings he had not thought possible. Passions considered by him to be little more than vampiric mythology. She awakened lust.
Karyn Gerrard Bio: 

Karyn lives in a small town in the western corner of Ontario, Canada. She whiles away her spare time writing and reading romance while drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. Tortured heroes are a must. A multi-published author with a few bestsellers under her belt, Karyn loves to write historicals and contemporaries. As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden.

 Karyn’s been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement keeps her moving forward.

                                 Karyn's Site/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: FREE READ at All Romance~The Riding Crop #historical #BDSM #shortstory


Published: May 25, 2012 
Evernight Publishing
ISBN # 9781771300339

Word Count: 7,080
Heat Index          

Curious as to what my writing entails? Here's your chance to sample it! THE RIDING CROP is a FREE historical with a lot of emotion and a little kink slammed into a short story!

NOTE: The M/M sex does not involve the hero, it is a brief scene he observes at the club~

BLURB: Gideon ‘Lord Craven’ Broyles pursues his naughty, nocturne adventures in the secret, salacious underworld of the east-end of 1887 London. The sexy and dangerous viscount will try everything just to have any kind of emotional reaction.

Olivia Durham is known as ‘Mistress Birch’ at the infamous club, The Riding Crop. Wielding a crop of her own, she coolly dispenses lashings to her male, aristocratic clients. Her world is shaken when Lord Craven makes a shocking proposal.

Wielding a crop of her own, she coolly dispenses lashings to her male, aristocratic clients. Her world is shaken when Lord Craven makes a shocking proposal.Is it possible two emotionally closed off people can find intimacy? What lengths will they take?

 Want to know what happens with Gideon and Olivia? I wrote a sequel called A RIDING CROP FOR TWO~

BLURB: After a night of passion at her place of employment, an infamous club known as The Riding Crop, Olivia Durham tosses caution to the wind and departs with Gideon ‘Lord Craven’ Broyles. Olivia was known as ‘Mistress Birch’, where she dispensed lashings to her male, aristocratic clients.

Now as she sits in the viscount’s plush townhouse, she wonders if she’s made a hasty decision. Gideon Broyles is a man who selfishly pursued his debauched adventures with no thought for anyone but himself until he met Liv.

An emotional plea to share everything has left him reeling. There are many obstacles to overcome, including his own doubts about his capacity to feel—anything.

Is it possible for two emotionally closed off people to find intimacy and lasting love? What lengths will they take to ensure happiness for two?
Be Warned: BDSM, flogging

Monday, November 18, 2013

Two Nominations in the Evernight Readers Choice Awards!

I don't as a rule enter contests or am chosen much for polls, so this is a nice surprise. If you are so inclined to vote for either of my two nominations, click HERE:  Congrats to all the nominees!

Best Evernight Classic:
Timeless Heart by Karyn Gerrard

Blackmailed by the Beast by Sam Crescent

Double Take by Kerri Nelson

The Taste of Blood by Jenika Snow

Sacrifice by Luxie Ryder

Best in Category: BDSM

Make Me Blaze by Avril Ashton

Mia's Submission by Sandra Bunino

The Crimson Rope Anthology

A Riding Crop for Two by Karyn Gerrard

Owned by Him by Sam Crescent

Monday, September 30, 2013

ONE WEEK SALE at All Romance! My 4 Blackthorne Books are 99 cents each!

ONE WEEK SALE of my paranormal series from Evernight Publisher only at ALL ROMANCE! Black Lust, Black Deisre, Black Heart and Black Scar 99 CENTS each! SAVE 3.00 a copy! check here under Karyn Gerrard:

Curious as to what each book is about? Check out the books HERE 

Snap them up now! Hot, erotic romance with a definite paranormal twist!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Welcome to Books to Go Hot Summer Nights Blog Hop!

Let's get right to business.

We are offering two Grand Prizes!! In order for readers to take part, they must leave their comment and email address.  Two winners will be chosen at random and notified no later than May 31, 2013.

1st Grand Prize: (1) Kindle Fire!

2nd Grand Prize: (1) $100 Amazon Gift Card

So, to recap, you must leave comments on the blogs with your email address to be entered for these two grand prizes. The more comments, the more chances to win! Now, what am I offering? I have a few of my latest historical releases up for grabs! You can win:


FOUR erotic romance historicals (with a lot of heat and a dash of kink!) and a little swag as well!

So what do you have to do to win these ebooks AND enter for the grand prizes? Answer this question!

 What is your favorite historical era to read romance in? Regency? Victorian? The old west?  Tell me! Or tell me one of your favorite historicals. One of mine is Lisa Kleypas's 'It Happened One Autumn'

Use Rafflecopter for bonus entries!

This blog hop runs until May 29th. have fun, and hop along to everyone on the list below. Good luck! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 15, 2013

Evernight Publishing Book Boyfriend Blog Hop!

Book Boyfriends... They can be strong and sexy, dark and dangerous, rebellious and reckless or cute and quirky. We love to fall in love with these irresistible heroes and Evernight Publishing has them all!
The authors of Evernight invite you to a Speed Date challenge. Their cowboys, Doms, detectives, millionaires, royalty, vampires, soldiers, shifters, even steam-powered heroes are waiting to meet you on each author website.

50 heroes in 7 days! Are you up for the challenge? Pull up a chair and get to know every single one. I’d love to introduce you to my hero...

Deegan Black!

He is the leader of my paranormal series, Blackthorne Clan. An Ancient Vampire, he has been around since the 1300's, where this Irishman started out as a Celtic priest. He rose from his own death, powerful, menacing and as the years clicked by—tortured. He lived many lives, had many mates, even accomplished the impossible, he fathered a son, Tristan, a Dhampyre. He's dangerously sexy and insatiable, for both blood and sex.With his wavy black hair, silver eyes and gold earring, he resembles the pirate he used to be centuries ago.

Family and honor mean everything to Deegan. He will protect them and his Clan at all costs. He has his own book in BLACK HEART (Blackthorne Clan #3) released Jan 2013.

BLACK SCAR (#4) has just been contracted and will be out May 2013! Book #1 is Black Lust and concerns Deegan's grandson, Lucius. Book #2 is Black Desire and  concerns Tristan, Deegan's son.

Deegan appears in every book. The whole series revolves around him. He is a powerful force. A Vampire who feels things deeply. He has a heart and a soul. I love him! ♥

What’s up for grabs?

 • One lucky hopper will win a KINDLE PAPERWHITE eREADER sponsored by Evernight Publishing.

• Every book blogger/reviewer site is giving away one free eBook from Evernight (winner’s choice of any eBook from Evernight Publishing’s website).

 • Plus, each author offers their own unique prize! So visit each blog hop stop for a host of fabulous prizes to win.

How to enter?  YOU MUST LEAVE A COMMENT with your email, or you cannot be entered for the grand prize. For extra entries, use rafflecopter.

Answer my question/leave comment with email.  Of all the descriptions I used above for Deegan, which one appeals to you most in a hero?

Keep hopping to the next author or blogger. After you’ve met each hero click here to vote for your favorite book boyfriend. You’ll earn an extra grand prize entry!

You’re one step closer to meeting your next Book Boyfriend...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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