Showing posts with label Victorian Era. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victorian Era. Show all posts

Sunday, March 13, 2016

WEEKEND SPOTLIGHT: The Spinster and Mr. Glover @KarynGerrard #99Cents #Historical #Victorian #BlindCupidSeries

THE SPINSTER AND MR. GLOVER (Blind Cupid Series #1)
By Karyn Gerrard
KG Publishing
Approx 15,000 words Short Story/Historical/Victorian

BLURB: His male beauty moved her. His vulnerability touched her. His past horrified her...

Anne Sommer, a spinster firmly on the shelf, does the unthinkable. She hires a man from the Blind Cupid brothel for a night of scandalous pleasure. Anne wants the sensual memories to keep her company in the lonely years ahead. However, she did not expect the young man to move her in ways she never imagined.

Desmond Glover gives sexual gratification—for a price. An orphan whose childhood was mired in scandal and poverty, Desmond has learned to close off his emotions with regard to his occupation. He did not count on a lonely spinster to awaken his hidden passion.

Not only do the years separate them, but so do their social standing. Can Anne and Desmond cross such a chasm and find mutual desire—or love?

This short story was previously published with a different title. Revised, re-edited, and more than 7500 words added. Heat Level: Very sensual 

 This is book one of the Blind Cupid series. Book two is The Governess and the Beast. Book three is The Copper and the Madam
Here's the dirt. This was originally called The Blind Cupid, a short story for Decadent Publishing's The Edge line where the story had to be  mega hot and no more than 7000 words. It was released December 2012. It is now called THE SPINSTER AND MR. GLOVER, self-pubbed, and the story is now 14,995 words. I also dialed back the heat a notch or two. I also expanded the plot and characters.

I have written more than a few stories about a couple caught in strange circumstances and falling in love during a short period of time, the situation fascinates me. Two unlikely people, alone, emotions are intense, desire even more so. Yes, they fall in love quickly, but isn't a lot of romance based in fantasy? Besides, though rare, people in real life can fall in love at first sight, so why not my hero and heroine? :)  Hope you enjoy!


EXCERPT:“Miss Sommer? I am Desmond Glover. I believe we have an engagement.” His speech possessed a deep, husky cadence and every syllable rounded and well-modulated, as if he’d been trained to speak as a gentleman. Handsome did not seem adequate enough to describe his astounding countenance. The prospect of sending him away with a flea in his ear and ten pounds in his satchel no longer appealed. The man was stunning, absolute masculine perfection. No. She would not dismiss him. This opportunity should not be tossed aside so cavalierly. Never had a man’s good looks caused her to act in a rash manner. First time for everything. She stepped back. “Please, do come in, Mr. Glover.”
After offering to take his hat and long cloak, she hung them on the hall tree.  Stealing a glance, she marveled at his stunning profile. How appealing. With a quick nod, he followed her into the parlor. Inhaling, she could make out his scent which consisted of a light fragrance of bay rum and clean linen. There was no denying his thoroughly male presence as it dominated the room. “Please, take a seat. Would you care for a cup of tea?” she asked politely.
How prim, proper, and well-mannered she sounded, considering her nerves were in knots. She picked up the pot with both hands to stem the shaking. With a quick flick of his suit coat, he sat across from her, and with slow purpose removed his leather gloves. “Very well. Milk, no sugar.”
Anne added the milk then poured, and passed him the cup which rattled slightly on the saucer from her trembling grasp. As Mr. Glover took the tea, one of his long fingers brushed hers and he stroked it intimately before moving away. Rolling, raw heat traveled up her arm from the innocent touch or perhaps the deliberate contact was all part of his game of seduction.
Taking a sip of the beverage, Anne stole another glance at her visitor over the top of the cup. His hair shone as gold as the bright morning sun, the curling locks touching his broad shoulders. How scandalous, far too long for the fashion. How pleasing to discover he was clean-shaven when most men of a certain age wore facial hair or those silly sideburns. Better to show off his prominent cheekbones and well-formed jawline, she mused. The shade of his eyes was similar to the color of a snifter of warmed brandy, his gaze mesmerizing. However, she read no real warmth there, only a cool detachment. Not boredom as such, but a disturbing lack of emotion.
He crossed his long legs. “Perhaps we should discuss terms. I am here for two hours. The carriage driver will then return and if I am not out within five minutes, he will depart and return in another two hours and the cost will rise in accordance with the stipulations the abbess relayed to you. If you would be so kind as to pay in advance for the first block of time?”
Anne blushed, reached for her reticule, and slid a handful of pound notes across the table.
“Excellent. If you wish for us to sit and drink tea for this period, I can oblige you. However, I am here for more carnal pleasures. Do you wish to begin?”

Cover art by Cora Graphics 

*Note: I have already been informed by Decadent Publishing I will receive the rights back to The Governess and the Beast May 1st,(but not audio rights) and The Copper and The Madam December 1st. They will be revised and eventually self-published. Until then, they are still available.

THE GOVERNESS AND THE BEAST (Blind Cupid Series Book 2)

BLURB: Hiding secrets and a past she longs to forget, Hortense Jennings answers an ad for a governess and embarks on an adventure she did not expect.

Concealed in a gothic, crumbling manor on the edge of a North Sea cliff, Baron Simon Wolstenholme is hiding from life. Horribly scarred from battle wounds, he lives up to his name “The Beast of Stonecliff” in both appearance and attitude until he realizes how lonely he has become.

Simon propositions Hortense for a singular night of passion. Raging weather and storms of anger clash between a lonely man and a distrustful woman to reveal secret desires in an emotional crescendo. Can the Governess and the Beast find calm amid the storm and admit their true feelings, or will pride destroy the fairy tale before it begins?

THE COPPER AND THE MADAM (Blind Cupid Series Book 3)


In 1897 London, Scotland Yard Detective Sergeant Rory Kerrigan never expected to find love among the crime-ridden streets he vowed to protect. Kerrigan, a man with a wretched past and hardened heart, keeps emotion from his life and its interference with his police work.

Abbess Rea is owner of the brothel, The Blind Cupid, and a woman with a secret and desolate past of her own. Rubenesque and leery of men, Rea lets no one close. Yet, she cannot deny the ruggedly handsome Rory touches her heart.

A grisly murder on Kerrigan’s turf has Rory and Rea teaming up to bring the killer to justice. As danger lurks closer, secrets are revealed and passion is ignited. Will the copper and the madam acknowledge their mutual yearning even at the peril of their lives?

Karyn lives in a small town in the western corner of Ontario, Canada. She whiles away her spare time writing and reading romance while drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. A multi-published author, Karyn loves to write historicals, particularly in the Victorian era. She also writes contemporaries. Tortured heroes are a must. As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden. Karyn’s been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement keeps her moving forward.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

THROWBACK THURSDAY POST: Frequent Complaints About #HistoricalRomance @KarynGerrard

THIS POST was originally published 5/3/15

Just thought I would address a few complaints I've seen in forums and in reviews regarding historical romances. Forgive me if I cite the Victorian age, as that is the one I write in and am most familiar with.

"No way was there so many Earls, Dukes and Viscounts in the past."

No, there wasn't. However, if readers are willing to allow each paranormal/fantasy author to create there own individual worlds, why not historical authors? After all, what we are creating is fantasy as well to an extent. In Lorraine Heath's books, she has her own group of aristocrats. Anna Campbell has hers. And they belong to their worlds only, not any other author's. If you look at it that way, then there is a proper amount of aristocrats. :)

"I'm so sick of the trembling virgin who tames the decadent rake!"

Yeah, I hear you. But opposites attract. Because of the strictures of society through each individual era, most women were inexperienced virgins. And there is proof a lot of the young males of the aristocracy were wastrels and rakes to such an extent by the end of the Victorian age, a lot of the old families were on the brink of bankruptcy because their fathers or grandfathers gambled or blew their money on other vices. Which brings me to...

"There is no way an aristocrat would go to a sleazy alley for sex." (this from a review)

Again, oh yes they did. Ever read "The Picture of Dorian Gray?" Also, by The Victorian age, there was one prostitute for every four men in the city of London. And those upper crust gents loved to get their cheap thrills in the East End at sleazy brothels or in those smelly, disgusting alleys. Facts bear this out. Though the Victorian Age seems prudish on the surface, underneath was a raucous, seamy underbelly of sex and vice. That's why I love writing in this era! :)

"I can't stand the 'Big Misunderstanding' trope in a lot of historicals!"

I agree, as long as the misunderstanding isn't dragged out for the whole length of the book, and it isn't so lame that a frank discussion couldn't clear it up in a snap. Again, you have to remember the era the book takes place in. People were not as eager to share their feelings in previous centuries. Men in particular were seen as weak if they did so. Nor did couples communicate as openly as we do nowadays. Manners and social decorum ruled many lives. So I cut historical authors a little slack here.

"I automatically DNF any historical that mentions Jane Austen and her books!"

That is a little extreme to me, but Jane Austen was huge and still is to this day. Name one other author from the early 1800's with that kind of longevity and popularity. Also you can include the Bronte sisters and Dickens from the Victorian age. If I am writing a historical, why would I reference some obscure 19th century writers whose books went out of print a hundred years ago? Austen rocks. and so does Dickens.

I don't read the Dear Author blog as a rule, but in May 2013, she wrote an opinion piece stating Historical Romance Should Die. click HERE But since this has been written, we've found out that around this time "Jane" was actually NA author Jen Frederick, (who's first book was published Dec 2013) So her slamming another genre should be taken with a grain of salt. More than a few grains. I am pleased to see a lot of the comments didn't agree with her opinion. My opinion? Historical Romance still lives! And what a selection of eras, heat levels, and talented authors~

One point she did bring up is most historicals take place in the Regency age, that maybe some other eras should be explored. Tell that to the publishers. Regency sells, so who can blame them for wanting more?

You want different eras? Check out e-books. There is a wide swath of eras in ebooks, and yes, OMG, there is lots of sex. In my experience, most (but not all) historical ebooks lean toward the erotic, so for those with tender sensibilities, be prepared. Here's a hint, if the book has "Mistress" in the title, yeah...there's going to be a lot of activity of the sexual kind. *wink*

Enjoy historical romances, enjoy the eras they are set, and there is nothing like being swept away to another time with heroes and heroines that define the age. Enjoy!


Monday, July 6, 2015

Available for Review at NetGalley: Bold Seduction by @KarynGerrard #Historical @lyricalpress @KensingtonBooks


by Karyn Gerrard
Release date: Sept 1 2015
Kensington Publishing Corp/Lyrical Press
Book #1 The Hornsby Brothers
Word Count 40,000
Historical Romance

 No offer is more daring…


An Intriguing Proposition
Passion. Seduction. Pleasure. These are the qualities of any courtesan worth her salt. As owner of The Starling Club, London’s most notorious house of ill-repute, Madame Philomena McGrattan has seen it all, heard it all, done it all. There is little that surprises her anymore, and even less that excites her. So when she is presented a chance at an irresistible seduction, she can’t help but rise to the challenge.

A Dangerous Game
Studiousness. Practicality. Discipline. Such are the attributes of a good scholar, and such are the principles Lord Spencer Hornsby has built his life around. Alone in the Welsh countryside, with only his wolfhounds for company, Spencer has thrown himself into his work. There is little time for the pleasures of society, not even to think of the joys of the fairer sex. But when an unexpected guest arrives at his isolated hunting lodge, Spencer cannot help but be baffled by the presence of this dangerously beautiful woman. And when he discovers the reason for her arrival, and the pleasures she promises, he cannot help but find himself irresistibly intrigued . . .

Pre-Order Buy Links: 

Kensington Website

(you must be a member of Netgalley)

Excerpt: Of all the replies this strange woman could give, that one Spence did not expect. Damn his interfering friends. The last time he’d been in their ignominious company they teased him mercilessly of his virgin state. Never should have admitted to such a confidence, but he had one too many brandies and his tongue loosened. At the time, they did not chortle at him, but merely commented the state should be taken care of—and soon. The teasing, he supposed, could be considered good-natured; it wasn’t cruel. He knew the difference.
A sudden and slow simmer of anger stirred inside him. Were his so-called comrades lounging at a club in London, laughing with mirth at their joke? Sending a woman for hire all this way to bed him? Spence’s gaze narrowed. Perhaps this tart was in on it.
She made for quite a vision, standing there stroking her leg. A ripple of desire caused his dormant prick to twitch a little. Her gown, though garish, showed a certain style. Philomena the madam possessed an attractive figure and a pretty enough face, if not for the gaudy paint. Her hair shimmered with various shades of the midnight sky and glowed with health and vitality. His birthday was tomorrow, really? It must have meant Christmas had come and gone for another year. He did have turkey for dinner last week come to think of it. Back to the matter at hand.
“Please remove your limb from the chair, Madam McGrattan, and take a seat.”
She gave him a brief pout but did as he asked.
“I am not sure what manner of payment my acquaintances promised you for carrying out this means of humiliating me, but I will match the amount if you will leave me alone.”
She arched an eyebrow at him. “In the first place, Professor, your friends were genuinely concerned for your isolated life-state. This is not a joke at your expense, nor would I participate in someone’s mortification. Second, I’m stuck here for the week. Under the circumstances, we can hardly avoid each other. If you think I will be bringing in trays of food to you, or looking after those great beasts of yours, you are bloody well mistaken.”
Justinian woofed, raised his shaggy head, and after a few moments, rested it on his front paws, ignoring them both.
Her light brown eyes shone with determination. Quite an attractive shade, like tea after the milk had been added. One week. The place was large enough they could manage to avoid each other. He couldn’t very well turn her out into the teeth of cold, winter weather. Sharing accommodations with a stranger would upset his equilibrium; however, he must make an effort and keep his anxieties well hidden.
“On the second floor there are a few rooms. Pick one of the least dusty ones, and there you may stay until Boyle returns with the wagon in a week’s time.”
The madam crossed her arms across her ample chest, and the enticing glimpse of her bosom caused his cock to twitch again. “I can see to the meals as I’m able to cook, but you will eat in the bloody dining room with me. As I said, be damned if I’ll wait on you. You do have one?”
“Yes.Though the room hasn’t been used in some time. Is your verbosity always this colorful?”
“A lot of men like it. Yes, I suppose my talk could be considered salty.”
“Much like your cooking I’ll wager to guess,” he murmured.
Philomena smiled. “I like a man who gives as good as he gets. It bodes well for the task ahead.”
“There will be no ‘task’ between us, Miss McGrattan.”
She stood straight. “We’ll see on that score. I always follow a job through. Now there is plenty of food. I’ll see what I can scrounge up. I’ll come and fetch you when it’s ready.”
Philomena turned on her heel and marched from the room, her chin held high.
Theodora gave him a questioning woof.
“I know, old girl. I’m not sure what to make of her either.”

AUTHOR INFO: Karyn lives in a small town in the western corner of Ontario, Canada. She whiles away her spare time writing and reading romance while drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. Tortured heroes are a must. A multi-published author with a few bestsellers under her belt, Karyn loves to write historicals, particularly in the Victorian era. She also writes the occasional contemporary.
As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden.

Karyn’s been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement keeps her moving forward.

     Karyn's Site/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Tsu/Amazon Page

Monday, May 11, 2015

COVER REVEAL and PRE-ORDER Bold Seduction by @KarynGerrard #GreatPrice #Historical #Victorian


by Karyn Gerrard
Release date: Sept 1 2015
Kensington Publishing Corp/Lyrical Press
Book #1 The Hornsby Brothers
Word Count 40,000
Historical Romance

 No offer is more daring…


An Intriguing Proposition
Passion. Seduction. Pleasure. These are the qualities of any courtesan worth her salt. As owner of The Starling Club, London’s most notorious house of ill-repute, Madame Philomena McGrattan has seen it all, heard it all, done it all. There is little that surprises her anymore, and even less that excites her. So when she is presented a chance at an irresistible seduction, she can’t help but rise to the challenge.

A Dangerous Game
Studiousness. Practicality. Discipline. Such are the attributes of a good scholar, and such are the principles Lord Spencer Hornsby has built his life around. Alone in the Welsh countryside, with only his wolfhounds for company, Spencer has thrown himself into his work. There is little time for the pleasures of society, not even to think of the joys of the fairer sex. But when an unexpected guest arrives at his isolated hunting lodge, Spencer cannot help but be baffled by the presence of this dangerously beautiful woman. And when he discovers the reason for her arrival, and the pleasures she promises, he cannot help but find himself irresistibly intrigued . . .

Pre-Order Buy Links: 

Kensington Website

Excerpt: Of all the replies this strange woman could give, that one Spence did not expect. Damn his interfering friends. The last time he’d been in their ignominious company they teased him mercilessly of his virgin state. Never should have admitted to such a confidence, but he had one too many brandies and his tongue loosened. At the time, they did not chortle at him, but merely commented the state should be taken care of—and soon. The teasing, he supposed, could be considered good-natured; it wasn’t cruel. He knew the difference.
A sudden and slow simmer of anger stirred inside him. Were his so-called comrades lounging at a club in London, laughing with mirth at their joke? Sending a woman for hire all this way to bed him? Spence’s gaze narrowed. Perhaps this tart was in on it.
She made for quite a vision, standing there stroking her leg. A ripple of desire caused his dormant prick to twitch a little. Her gown, though garish, showed a certain style. Philomena the madam possessed an attractive figure and a pretty enough face, if not for the gaudy paint. Her hair shimmered with various shades of the midnight sky and glowed with health and vitality. His birthday was tomorrow, really? It must have meant Christmas had come and gone for another year. He did have turkey for dinner last week come to think of it. Back to the matter at hand.
“Please remove your limb from the chair, Madam McGrattan, and take a seat.”
She gave him a brief pout but did as he asked.
“I am not sure what manner of payment my acquaintances promised you for carrying out this means of humiliating me, but I will match the amount if you will leave me alone.”
She arched an eyebrow at him. “In the first place, Professor, your friends were genuinely concerned for your isolated life-state. This is not a joke at your expense, nor would I participate in someone’s mortification. Second, I’m stuck here for the week. Under the circumstances, we can hardly avoid each other. If you think I will be bringing in trays of food to you, or looking after those great beasts of yours, you are bloody well mistaken.”
Justinian woofed, raised his shaggy head, and after a few moments, rested it on his front paws, ignoring them both.
Her light brown eyes shone with determination. Quite an attractive shade, like tea after the milk had been added. One week. The place was large enough they could manage to avoid each other. He couldn’t very well turn her out into the teeth of cold, winter weather. Sharing accommodations with a stranger would upset his equilibrium; however, he must make an effort and keep his anxieties well hidden.
“On the second floor there are a few rooms. Pick one of the least dusty ones, and there you may stay until Boyle returns with the wagon in a week’s time.”
The madam crossed her arms across her ample chest, and the enticing glimpse of her bosom caused his cock to twitch again. “I can see to the meals as I’m able to cook, but you will eat in the bloody dining room with me. As I said, be damned if I’ll wait on you. You do have one?”
“Yes.Though the room hasn’t been used in some time. Is your verbosity always this colorful?”
“A lot of men like it. Yes, I suppose my talk could be considered salty.”
“Much like your cooking I’ll wager to guess,” he murmured.
Philomena smiled. “I like a man who gives as good as he gets. It bodes well for the task ahead.”
“There will be no ‘task’ between us, Miss McGrattan.”
She stood straight. “We’ll see on that score. I always follow a job through. Now there is plenty of food. I’ll see what I can scrounge up. I’ll come and fetch you when it’s ready.”
Philomena turned on her heel and marched from the room, her chin held high.
Theodora gave him a questioning woof.
“I know, old girl. I’m not sure what to make of her either.”

AUTHOR INFO: Karyn lives in a small town in the western corner of Ontario, Canada. She whiles away her spare time writing and reading romance while drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. Tortured heroes are a must. A multi-published author with a few bestsellers under her belt, Karyn loves to write historicals, particularly in the Victorian era. She also writes the occasional contemporary.
As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden.

Karyn’s been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement keeps her moving forward.

     Karyn's Site/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Tsu/Amazon Page

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Frequent Complaints about Historical Romance? I Address Some Here! by @KarynGerrard

Just thought I would address a few complaints I've seen in forums and in reviews regarding historical romances. Forgive me if I cite the Victorian age, as that is the one I write in and am most familiar with.

"No way was there so many Earls, Dukes and Viscounts in the past."

No, there wasn't. However, if readers are willing to allow each paranormal/fantasy author to create there own individual worlds, why not historical authors? After all, what we are creating is fantasy as well to an extent. In Lorraine Heath's books, she has her own group of aristocrats. Anna Campbell has hers. And they belong to their worlds only, not any other author's.

"I'm so sick of the trembling virgin who tames the decadent rake!"

Yeah, I hear you. But opposites attract. Because of the strictures of society through each individual era, most women were inexperienced virgins. And there is proof a lot of the young males of the aristocracy were wastrels and rakes to such an extent by the end of the Victorian age, a lot of the old families were on the brink of bankruptcy because their fathers or grandfathers gambled or blew their money on other vices. Which brings me to...

"There is no way an aristocrat would go to a sleazy alley for sex." (this from a review)

Again, oh yes they did. Ever read "The Picture of Dorian Gray?" Also, by The Victorian age, there was one prostitute for every four men in the city of London. And those upper crust gents loved to get their cheap thrills in the East End at sleazy brothels or in those smelly, disgusting alleys. Facts bear this out. Though the Victorian Age seems prudish on the surface, underneath was a raucous, seamy underbelly of sex and vice. That's why I love writing in this era! :)

"I can't stand the 'Big Misunderstanding' trope in a lot of historicals!"

I agree, as long as the misunderstanding isn't dragged out for the whole length of the book, and it isn't so lame that a frank discussion couldn't clear it up in a snap. Again, you have to remember the era the book takes place in. People were not as eager to share their feelings in previous centuries. Men in particular were seen as weak if they did so. Nor did couples communicate as openly as we do nowadays. Manners and social decorum ruled many lives. So I cut historical authors a little slack here.

"I automatically DNF any historical that mentions Jane Austen and her books!"

That is a little extreme to me, but Jane Austen was huge and still is to this day. Name one other author from the early 1800's with that kind of longevity and popularity. Also you can include the Bronte sisters and Dickens from the Victorian age. If I am writing a historical, why would I reference some obscure 19th century writers whose books went out of print a hundred years ago? Austen rocks. and so does Dickens.

I don't read the Dear Author blog as a rule, but in May 2013, she wrote an opinion piece stating Historical Romance Should Die. click HERE But since this has been written, we've found out that around this time "Jane" was actually NA author Jen Frederick, (who's first book was published Dec 2013) So her slamming another genre should be taken with a grain of salt. More than a few grains. I am pleased to see a lot of the comments didn't agree with her opinion. My opinion? Historical Romance still lives! And what a selection of eras, heat levels, and talented authors~

One point she did bring up is most historicals take place in the Regency age, that maybe some other eras should be explored. Tell that to the publishers. Regency sells, so who can blame them for wanting more?

You want different eras? Check out e-books. There is a wide swath of eras in ebooks, and yes, OMG, there is lots of sex. In my experience, most (but not all) historical ebooks lean toward the erotic, so for those with tender sensibilities, be prepared. Here's a hint, if the book has "Mistress" in the title, yeah...there's going to be a lot of activity of the sexual kind. *wink*

Enjoy historical romances, enjoy the eras they are set, and there is nothing like being swept away to another time with heroes and heroines that define the age. Enjoy!

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